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    2022-01-24 17:31:29
  • JCC LogMiner Loader Self-Audit 1.0.1 Windows Zip Archive
  • The download is a zip file that contains 3 files; an OpenVMS DCL command procedure, a PDF file and a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.  The zip file was created on a Windows computer and is expected to be unzipped on a Windows computer.  The files are:

    • JCC LML EULA rev 2022.pdf
      • This is a reference copy of the JCC LogMiner Loader End User License Agreement (EULA) that describes the licensing model, among other important details.
    • JCC-LML-License-Audit-blank.xlsx
      • This is a self-audit form to be filled in and returned to JCC.
      • This is an OpenVMS DCL procedure.  It collects Loader-specific licensing information from the source databases on which the JCC LogMiner Loader is used for replication.  The output from this procedure is to be returned to JCC.  The procedure JCC_GET_DB_INFO.TXT uncharacteristically uses the extension ".TXT" for ease of copying the ASCII file between Windows and OpenVMS using FTP.  It should be copied to the OpenVMS servers and executed for each database on which the Loader is expected to be used.

        Each source Rdb database in development, test, QA and production environments as well as any other servers on which the Loader is run.  It should ideally be executed from the same account(s) under which the JCC LogMiner Loader replication(s) are submitted, though a privileged account like the SYSTEM account can be used.  It is required that the account have RMU DUMP access to the source database(s) or OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privileges.  Each database should be open prior to execution.  

    The procedure will output a short report on the number of license units required for the JCC LogMiner Loader for each database.

    The usage format is:

    $ @JCC_GET_DB_INFO.TXT < database name > true

    where "< database name >" is replaced with a logical name pointing to the database or the full file specification.

    Please send to JCC the output from each execution of the command as well as the completed spreadsheet.

    You may wish to print this page for reference.

  • JCC LogMiner Loader Self-Audit
  • 1.0.1
  • 2022-01-24
  • 2022-01-24
  • 89016a617e66c044b65bccbd9a010127
  • Version Published
    2022-01-24 17:30:00
  • Last Update